Happy Good Friday! Happy only in that we know the end of the story, and that the grave was not Jesus' final destination! Today we reflect on the brutality imposed upon our Savior...the beating, the flogging, the mocking and condemnation, the horrific inhumane treatment reserved only for the most hardened criminals of that day; yet our precious Lord, who knew no sin became sin for us, so that we may have life NOW and eternally! I cannot wrap my brain around that; I do not understand why He would so willingly endure the horror of crucifixion for me?!?!?! Yet, in faith, I know HE did! HALLELUJAH! What a Savior! What a man!
Our pastor, Pete Wilson, received an email this week that he posted on his blog; an excerpt follows: "Pete, do me a favor this year and celebrate the resurrection of Christ as if you were there to witness it in person. Be amazed and marvel at it all as if it’s the first time you’ve heard it."
Pete follows up with this: "That statement kicked me in the teeth. Like many of you I’m up to my eyeballs in the details and logistics of pulling off a major Easter weekend. I’m distracted, maybe a little stressed and certainly carrying all kind of concerns. But I just want to issue this challenge to all of us as we draw closer to this weekend......Worshipers, I pray you’ll open your heart and raise your voice and pour out all you have and all you are in honor of a God who has defeated death so you may have life...I pray this weekend we’ll all drop our cynicism, egos, and agendas and will stand amazed and marvel at the wonder of a God who has set us free from the penalty and the power of sin!"
I, too, pray that each of us will treat this Easter like it's our first ~ our first celebration of His resurrection; and maybe we should treat it as if it's our last celebration! Next stop? Face to face with our Savior! IF this were your last celebration of the resurrected Lord, how would you worship differently on Sunday? Would it really matter what you wore to church? Would it make a difference if your hair was perfectly groomed and your makeup applied just right? Would you wear a smile on your face even though you are screaming in agony inwardly? When people asked you how you are, would you give the expected pat answer "fine", even though your life is falling apart?
Finite man has limited tolerance and understanding of our lot in life; infinite eternal God knows our individual lives from beginning to end, and He cares about every single detail of every life....passionately, endlessly, lovingly, and mercifully! I pray this Easter you will lay yourself on the altar of Christ, naked, without pretense and ask Him to bathe you in the reality of all His resurrection from the grave means to you. WORSHIP HIM! ADORE HIM! THANK HIM! BASK IN HIM! Oh, how he loves you and me!
Again, I ask: Why would Jesus willingly endure the cross? I don't know! But God does:

WOW! The gulf between us and our God was bridged by Jesus Christ! AMEN!
I pray for each of you a most blessed, joyous, reflective, precious Easter season!

I am grateful to live in a country of freedoms...freedom to live and worship where I choose!
I am grateful that my Lord knows everything about me and loves me anyway~unconditionally!
Hi there "Lolli" (is this what your grandchildren call you?)
Thanks so much for your visit today. I'm not sure how you found me, but I'm so glad you did. I hope you'll come again...you're always welcome. I love getting to know other bloggers.
I've sure enjoyed myself here this afternoon. I'll be back....
Thanks for stopping by today. I just put your blog on my blog list. I see you visited one of my very favorite blogs.
I look forward to Kat's blog everyday.
Happy Easter,
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