LollipopandPearls Theme Song

"Lollipop and Pearls" - Jared Kraft

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year & I DARE you!

Its 2012~ WOOT!  WOOT!  I’m so stinkin’ excited to see what God has in store for all of us this year!  Do you even remember the Y2K hype?  Seems like forever ago, huh?  Then the world was predicted to end again recently, for the 2nd or 3rd time…remember that?  Somehow I don’t think the Lord got the memo!  Gas prices up, gas prices down; housing market good, housing market bad…etc., etc.., etc.  Who knows what this year holds for each of us?  Not you…not me…but I DO know the One who does know and I’m ready for the journey with Him.  I hope you are, as well.

I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions, as I rarely keep the ones I make.  I do, however, like to set goals and see how close I can get.  So, I have already established a few goals for this year:

      Move from Blogger to Word Press (pray for me!  I likely will have to get someone else involved in this project!) Along with this the purpose of my blog will shift a bit to include some new and exciting things (at least for me, and I hope if you are reading this you will glean much from it, as well….details upcoming! 
      Take a photography course.
      Paint more (watercolor).
      Finish my son’s scrapbook and catch up on both of granddaughter’s scrapbooks (that’s a   lofty goal, I tell ya’!) 
      Re-learn how to sew (got a sewing machine for Christmas!  YIKES!)
      Exercise at least 3 times a week (please get on your knees right now and pray about this one!)
      Deepen relationships, beginning and continuing with my relationship with Jesus!
      Spend less; buy only on sale; use coupons; do without; save more!
      Travel, travel, travel!  Several trips on the horizon (I hope), beginning with one to Arizona on January 25 with my hubby to see our Dominican daughter, her husband and son, and go with them to the mountains to go sledding and snowmobiling for a couple of days!  I can’t wait!
      Take the Joy Dare!

There will be more, to be certain.  Those are good for starters, eh?  Please let me know what you have in store for 2012!

Blessings and love,
Lolli (aka Lisa)


BARBIE said...

You will love your new home on Word Press once you move. Best thing I ever did. And I am taking the Joy dare too, sort of unofficially. I have already been counting my gifts and just plan to continue and hopefully reach 1000 this year.

Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

So thankful for folks like you, Barbie, who hang with me through the desert times. Praying for you, dear one!



Marni said...

You will LOVE Wordpress! It is honestly more powerful and once you get the hang of it - better than Blogger!

And what is in store for me? Well, engaging in Jon Acuff's "Finish Year" challenge combined with Alece Ronzinio's "One Word" Campaign this year - my focus is "finishing" what I start. A HUGE overcoming in my life! Not only is this is generational curse on both sides of my family (finishing the significant things in life that they just let drop due to life circumstances - and never picking them back up to finish - have transformed into deep regrets, and affected their hearts and lives toward God, themselves, and others). The challenge, and One Word, that came to me at the turn of the new year honestly is what God needed me to grasp onto - to finish a few key things.

Finishing my first eBook, my first book, losing the last 30 lbs I've been loitering around with for the past year, giving thanks daily for the smallest of gifts I look for and find (1000 of them, per Ann Voskamp's challenge), and reading one non-academic (college_ book per month.

So far, I am doing good. Floundered a bit last week due to getting sick, with the little one sick too...but not too bad. Still after it...and I will finish this year well in His strength in me.

Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

Thanks for replying, Marni! Praying for you often and trusting the Lord to keep His promises which are new every morning!