LollipopandPearls Theme Song

"Lollipop and Pearls" - Jared Kraft

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm back! and New Blog!

How do ya' like this new blog look? I LOVE IT, and it's all thanks to Abigail . SHE IS INCREDIBLE, and I encourage you to let her give you a "blog lift" if you feel you need something newer and "betterer" (hehehehe...a new word!) Thanks, Abs, for using your gift to make my blog look so much better! I absolutely love it!

Now, the reason for my lack of blogging for a while is that, once Abigail got it up and running, I added an email account, and unbeknownst to me, Blogger defaulted to that new address! UGH! Unfortunately, they never notified me of this change. So I have not been able to sign on and poor Abigail was confused, as well. Sorry, Abs!

The next news is that I leave this coming Thursday for 10 days at Ghost Ranch, NM watercolor painting....and I absolutely cannot wait! My friend and I fly to Albuquerque Thursday and drive to Santa Fe, via the Turquoise Travel (where the movie "Wild Hogs" was filmed--LOVE IT!!) We will hit our usual pawn shops while we are there; eventually we will drive on Sunday to the Ranch in Abiqui, NM, home to the famous watercolorist Georgia O'Keefe, and the site where many movies have been filmed, none of the least of which was "City Slickers". It is breathtakingly gorgeous out there.

However, computer access is limited, and we will be painting and site seeing a lot! Ssssoooooo.....I will check email every now and then and try to throw in a quick blog update if I can. Please don't give up on me....hang in there, as I will return to more regular blogging eventually!

Be blessed, this Labor Day!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your new blog! It's so "you"!

I hope you have a great time on your getaway to Ghost Ranch.

Love ya!