(NOTE: Please turn the volume down or off on the embedded player in this blog, so you can fully enjoy the song again!
Last week I went to my daughter's house (who herself is expecting new life on April 9...we will welcome to our family Kya Mae Anderson!!! Can't wait!!!) and laying in the driveway was what she thought was trash that had fallen out of an old chair her hubby had hauled away the day before! But that was not it at all...it was...
So pretty! I am always intrigued and amazed at how precious little birds creatively take found materials to make their nests...to protect their young from the elements and predators! Stuff...junk...dry...ugly...dirty...woven into a dwelling of safety and comfort, sheltered from the storms in the covering of Mama's wings! While photographing this oddly beautiful abode, my precious little Skipper decided perhaps he should show who was "King of the Mountain"!
So there you have it, Mr. Skipper! Like we hear often around these parts: "Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word!" YOU, little buddy, certainly are beautiful in my eyes, even if your cheeks are rosy orange!
Tomorrow is Sunday...EASTER SUNDAY! RESURRECTION SUNDAY! HALLELJUAH! Christ the Lord is risen!!! Only 3 days between the worst day in Christian history and the best day in Christian history!
Praise God that HE DID rise again...and He will come again to take His people back! May you have a most happy and blessed Easter this year and every year!
Oh....and one more thing...can any of you Moms with younger children guess what these are? If so, please leave a comment letting me know! And...please leave a comment anyway!